Network Science

wsGAT: Weighted and Signed Graph Attention Networks for Link Prediction

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely used to learn representations on graphs and tackle many real-world problems from a wide range of domains. In this paper we propose wsGAT, an extension of the Graph Attention Network (GAT) layers, meant to …

Group Cohesion Assessment in Networks

Networks measurement is essential to catch and quantify their features, behaviour and/or emerging phenomena. The goal of cohesiveness metric introduced here is to establish the level of cohesion among network nodes. It comes from the Black-Hole …

Learning fine-grained search space pruning and heuristics for combinatorial optimization

Combinatorial optimization problems arise in a wide range of applications from diverse domains. Many of these problems are NP-hard and designing efficient heuristics for them requires considerable time and experimentation. On the other hand, the …

A PageRank Inspired Approach to Measure Network Cohesiveness

Basics of PageRank algorithm have been widely adopted in its variations, tailored for specific scenarios. In this work, we consider the Black Hole metric, an extension of the original PageRank that leverages a (bogus) black hole node to reduce the …

Strategies Comparison in Link Building Problem

Choosing an effective yet efficient solution to the link building problem means to select which nodes in a network should point a newcomer in order to increase its rank while limiting the cost of this operation (usually related to the number of such …

Learning Multi-Stage Sparsification for Maximum Clique Enumeration

We propose a multi-stage learning approach for pruning the search space of maximum clique enumeration, a fundamental computationally difficult problem arising in various network analysis tasks. In each stage, our approach learns the characteristics …

Network robustness improvement via long-range links

Many systems are today modelled as complex networks, since this representation has been proven being an effective approach for understanding and controlling many real-world phenomena. A significant area of interest and research is that of networks …

Climbing Ranking Position via Long-Distance Backlinks

The best attachment consists in finding a good strategy that allows a node inside a network to achieve a high rank. This is an open issue due to its intrinsic computational complexity and to the giant dimension of the involved networks. The ranking …

Exploiting Long Distance Connections to Strengthen Network Robustness

Network fault tolerance (also known as resilience or robustness) is becoming a highly relevant topic, expecially in real networks, where it is essential to know to what extent it is still working notwithstanding its failures. Different questions need …

Long Distance In-Links for Ranking Enhancement

Ranking is a widely used technique to classify nodes in networks according to their relevance. Increasing one’s rank is a desiderable feature in almost any context; several approaches have been proposed to achieve this goal by exploiting in-links …